Ladakh - Part 3 - Adventurous drive to Khardungla Pass and Mesmerizing Pangong Lake

Day 04: Khardungla Pass (78 Kilometers round trip)

Khardungla is known as the “highest motorable road in the world”

After breakfast, we set off on our journey which was an ultimate adventure of our life.

When we started our journey and started climbing uphill, we could get magnificent view of the surrounding valleys. 

As we started climbing up, weather started getting chill and we started seeing snowflakes.

Since we had covered quite a distance, we thought of taking a break and played in the snow😊.

The road leading to Khardungla  is quite busy with all kinds of tourist vehicles, bikes, army trucks etc. who take this route to reach Nubra valley. As we started climbing, we noticed a long traffic congestion. We got to know that due to snowfall some vehicles started skidding and they had stopped to wait until the snow gets cleared.

One thing I would recommend in this place it to take deep breaths since there is very less oxygen supply. We had carried Camphor (Karpoora) with us. Thanks to my friend who had carried it with her based on her other friend’s experience. You need to keep sniffing it whenever you feel oxygen level dropping. Trust me its of great relief in such place and weather condition.
Bike riding was quite a difficult task and we could see many bikers slipping. Our local taxi drivers were helping them out from the fall. While it is adventurous, I felt it is equally risky also. Hence, I would suggest bikers to go in groups as you can help each other in case your bike starts to skid in the snow.

It was late noon and we couldn’t see the traffic being cleared. Also, we hadn’t had food since breakfast. So, driver gave a suggestion to go back since even if the traffic clears and we make it to Khardungla, we will not be able to return the same night and might have to miss Pangong next day. And we cannot afford to miss Pangong coming so far. Hence with a heavy heart we decided to say bye to Khardungla from our vehicle itself and started our return journey.

While descending downhill the first stop you get is an army check post. This is the only place you can go for a bio break- use restrooms, grab some Maggie/chai/refreshments, walk around and stretch your legs a bit. The toilets were not clean, but we had no other choice. Hot Maggie and tea acted as energy boosters for us.

Day 05: Pangong Lake (280 Kilometers round trip)

We woke up today looking forward for yet another exciting day, one more dream come true moment – Pangong lake😊. 

In the morning after breakfast we set off on yet another journey through the snow clad mountains and rugged valleys with lots of twists and turns on the roads ahead. 

One specialty of Ladakh is the weather keeps changing during your journey whichever route you plan to take. When you start your journey you might see the sky clear, then as you climb uphill it will start raining and more uphill you travel you will see snow. So you get to experience all weather conditions here😊

On our way, we crossed Changla Pass, the third highest motor able road in the world. We took a pit stop here for photos and refreshment. It was very chill here and little snowing also.

As we drove further through the snow clad hills, weather cleared and so as roads. At one point, we could get a first glimpse of Pangong and it just pumped up our excitement.

And finally, we reached this serene turquoise blue lake surrounded by valleys – Pangong. It feels like a dream when you stand in front of this beautiful lake. I have never seen such flawless blue colored lake. Truly breathtaking 😊

It is believed that the hues of the lake changes as the sun sets. One must camp here overnight to witness this. While we were taking a stroll around the lake we could see at some point of the lake, water is deep blue and at other corner turquoise green. Wonders of nature 😊.

We clicked few pictures, but the chilly winds were hitting us like sharp blades despite covering ourselves with woolen jackets.

Next we drove to the camp site where some nice cafes are there. Best Part - in memory of 3 idiots movie they have been named after the iconic characters like Rancho Café, 3 idiots café etc.  with the posters of the movie stuck all over.

We took a lunch break at one of the cafes here and post that started our journey back to Leh with the satisfaction of another dream come true 😊

Ladakh - Part 1 - Enchanting Welcome by Rugged Hills and Snow-Clad Mountains

Ladakh – Part 2 – Exploring the land of monasteries, mysterious magnetic hill and picturesque Sangam

Ladakh - Finale Day- Monastery Tour and Leh Sightseeing


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